Jing Daily: Affluent Chinese set new standards in luxury beauty

Recent findings from an Altiant survey conducted earlier this month offer a revealing look at the evolving beauty and personal care habits of affluent and high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) across China, the US, France, and the UK.

The survey indicates that 88% of respondents have purchased luxury fragrances in the past year, with Chinese consumers demonstrating particularly high engagement in luxury facial care – 90% of affluent Chinese respondents reported buying luxury facial care products, significantly outpacing other regions.

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Retail in Asia: First-half recap: Decoding the trends driving the luxury sector

There is a mixed picture when it comes to luxury spend among affluent and HNWIs in Asia. Some categories have fared better than others, while different countries are also outperforming their neighbours,” said Meryam Schneider, chief marketing officer of Altiant, a global consultancy whose services focus on luxury goods and wealth management.

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LUXURY DAILY: Do consumers really care about brands’ sustainable practices?

More luxury brands are touting their sustainable initiatives — from traceability to supply chain collaboration and more — to reach conscious consumers, but only a select number of affluents are looking into the details.

While there is still considerable uncertainty regarding the global pandemic, luxury market researcher Altiant compiled findings from its Luxury Consumer Sentiment and COVID-19 survey to get a better understanding of consumer perceptions. According to the report, French luxury consumers are showing a considerable amount of skepticism toward vaccinations, compared to their U.S., U.K. and China counterparts…

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LUXURY DAILY: French luxury consumers trail other affluents in vaccine confidence

As governments around the world continue rolling out vaccination strategies, luxury consumer sentiment toward COVID-19 is beginning to shift.

While there is still considerable uncertainty regarding the global pandemic, luxury market researcher Altiant compiled findings from its Luxury Consumer Sentiment and COVID-19 survey to get a better understanding of consumer perceptions. According to the report, French luxury consumers are showing a considerable amount of skepticism toward vaccinations, compared to their U.S., U.K. and China counterparts…

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LUXURY DAILY: Stella McCartney, Louis Vuitton and Chanel perceived as most sustainable

Stella McCartney, Louis Vuitton and Chanel perceived as most sustainable.

While sustainability has gained traction as a global issue over the last several years, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated and amplified this focus across the luxury sector.

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DAILY RESEARCH NEWS: Zooming In Altiant's Lars Long

In this first of MRWeb’s video podcast series, the organisation takes a closer look at how luxury markets are faring in a time of Covid, and the challenges of researching this sector. MrWeb's Nick Thomas talks to Lars Long, Chief Executive of Altiant.

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LUXURY LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE: The Future Of Luxury Goods Consumption Lies In The Past

The Covid-19 pandemic has shaken up nearly every consumer category, influencing new behaviours, stifling some industries and inspiring growth in others. Emerging trends in the luxury sector suggest extravagance is being usurped by nostalgia and sustainability.

Dynamics within the luxury sector are changing. If you’ve found yourself slipping on your father’s vintage watch this year or gazing at sepia-tinted photos of past holidays, you’re not alone. In a study published in the journal Frontiers, researchers found that nostalgia enhances well-being and feelings of social connection. Given the impact that Covid-19 has had on the way we live, work and shop, it is unsurprising that imposed isolation during the pandemic has fuelled nostalgia-driven luxury purchases…

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TTG ASIA: Sustainable tourism a big drawcard for luxury travellers

Tourism players are being urged not to forget sustainability amid the pandemic as research reveals it remains a top priority for luxury travellers.

Speaking at the virtual ILTM World Tour Asia Pacific, Meryam Schneider, vice president of marketing and partnerships at luxury and wealth researcher ALTIANT, said the Covid-19 crisis has highlighted the importance of tackling climate change, propelling the issue to the forefront of affluent travellers’ minds.

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TTG ASIA: Destinations target APAC’s super-rich for swifter rebound

Tourism players near and far are clamouring for a slice of Asia-Pacific’s ultra-wealthy pie, as the luxury market looks set to be among the first to rebound when travel resumes.

Gearing up to tap into that market, destinations are drawing up exclusive itineraries, re-packaging products and launching marketing campaigns targeting the region’s luxury travellers.

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With billions spent annually in luxury & wealth advertising, media buyers and planners require more demonstrable ROI. To address this, Altiant is delighted to announce the launch of the Millionaire Media Consumption Subscription covering 4 Markets, unveiling the habits of 1,000 millionaires including but not limited to their use of print and on-line publications, digital platforms and their interactions with advertising.

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JOURNAL DU LUXE: Quelle data pour le Luxe post-Covid 19 ? (FRENCH)

Des données chiffrées et des observations inédites.
Pour le Salon du Luxe Paris 2020 – qui se tient actuellement online -, Meryam Schneider, vice présidente de Altiant, société spécialisée dans les études de consommation, dévoile les résultats d’une étude consacrée aux HNI – high net worth individual – les individus à patrimoine élevé, à l’ère du Covid-19.

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One of the most revealing aspects of the pandemic so far is how it has shaped HNW individual mindsets around how and where they place budget within the luxury travel market. For the first time in perhaps a long time, it seems that many HNW luxury travellers are questioning their consumption and in some cases moving towards new concepts and options to safeguard both their health and finances…

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THE CEO MAGAZINE: Green travel is front and centre for wealthy travellers

Sustainability and environmental awareness have been edging closer to the top of wealthy consumers’ priority lists in recent years. Based on data from Altiant – an organisation that provides insight from experts, marketers and agencies working in luxury and wealth management industries – this new preference to choose green has extended to all corners of luxury consumerism.

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The factor currently at the heart of every decision, of course, is COVID-19. This unprecedented crisis led to equally unprecedented responses including some key demographic shifts, one of which being the acceleration and adoption of green travel.

Based on our data, this new desire to ‘go green’ has extended to all corners of luxury consumerism, from fashion and luxury goods to travel, suggesting that many people will now take these factors into consideration when purchasing, either amplifying their burgeoning desires or creating ones that didn’t previously exist…

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